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Aquí te pillo... aquí te placo con Bryan

24-03-2016 | Escrito por Helen / Mónica


1. Player's bio/description:

I started playing football at a young age and had the opportunities to play in different places across Canada. I have been a part of many championship teams (pee wee to semi-professional) in my life both as a player and as a coach. I have won game, offensive and team MVP many times all thanks to some great coaches in my life who have taught me to play hard and to the whistle. Those are somethings I intend on teaching here in the future when I’m finished playing.

2. When was the first time you discovered american football ? When did you start playing it?

I was turned onto football as a youngster from a good friend looking for players for his pee wee team.

3. In which position did you start playing? Did you play in other positions?

I have always played as a receiver and a punter. I have played very little as a DB but it wasn’t until I came to Spain that I started playing more defence.

4. How did you feel when you scored your first touchdown?

To be honest, I really can’t remember my first TD but I know that each time I have score I have a feeling that can’t really be matched by anything else and or any other sport.

5. Offense or deffense?

Offence….it’s what wins games!!!

6. What do you like best about this sport? And what do you like least?

I love the contact. The best feeling(aside from scoring) is dominating your opponent and removing him from the play, looking at his face when the play is over and know that you have helped your team move that ball.

7. Do you remember any specific game? Why?

My last championship as a player. We played a long-time rival in -20 degree weather. I didn’t score that game but I had over 20 catches and recovered my own punt (Canadian rules). It was the last game I played with the team that I played with my whole life…my friends….my brothers.

8. Do you perform any game rituals before a game?

I normally get quiet and think about what I need to do. I go over situations in my head and imagine outcomes. The night before is usually filled with a mix of football game film and specific films.

9. Do you play any other sports?

I really only go to the gym. In Canada I used to teach Karate as I have my black belt.

10. What do you usually do apart from football? What hobbies do you have?

When I’m not playing, I’m working or trying to get out of Madrid to see the amazing wonders that Spain has to offer

I spend a lot of time at the gym. However, I used to practice and teach karate. I have my black belt

11. An NFL team: San Francisco 49ers

12. A football player: Jerry Rice forever!!

13. A music band / singer: I don’t have a favourite singer

14. A TV show: The walking dead

15. A movie: Braveheart

16. A meal: My mom’s meatloaf!!!

17. Leave a question for the next player to be interviewed: Would you rather score a TD or just crush someone in a block that helps your team score?

18. What has been the most surprising thing that you found when started in football ?

Learning and understanding the rules and applying them to the game.

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